Es esencial si estás pensando buscar un empleo en otro país, postularte para un trabajo en inglés. Es fundamental que tomes en cuenta ciertos aspectos. Como por ejemplo, presentar un resumen curricular en inglés. Este debe contener la información precisa y de una forma clara. Esto te servirá para alcanzar tu objetivo.
Este se debe acompañar con una carta de presentación para la empresa a la que estás optando. Debe ser en el mismo idioma, así, tendrás mayor oportunidad.
Continúa leyendo para que logres hacerlo de manera impecable y así, consigas rápidamente el contrato de tu vida. Con estos modelos de cartas de presentación en inglés.
Características que deben tener las cartas de presentación en inglés
Lo más importante de este tipo de cartas de presentación en inglés, es que su estructura sea lo más clara posible. Junto a un lenguaje profesional que logre gran impacto en quien la recibe.
Este tipo de documento debe tener el siguiente contenido:
- Nombre del destinatario
- Números de contacto.
- Introducción o desarrollo.
- Descripción de las habilidades.
- El propósito por el cual quieres ese trabajo en la empresa.
Este documento te destacará entre los demás aspirantes. Que puedan estar optando al cargo, ya que detallará y resaltará, las habilidades y competencias que te hacen diferente a los demás.
Importancia de las cartas de presentación en inglés
Con la redacción de estas cartas, los empleadores pueden conocer las habilidades y aptitudes que posee el postulante. Así, la selección se hace mucho más rápida y efectiva.
A pesar de no tener una entrevista directa con el posible contratado, la carta de presentación sirve para tener un claro perfil de la persona.
No olvides entonces, destacar durante el desarrollo, algunos aspectos sobresalientes o especiales. ¿Quién eres? ¿Qué haces? Conocimientos y no olvides redactarla en un perfecto inglés.
Tips que debes tener en cuenta para realizar la redacción
Ten en cuenta los siguientes tips, para alcanzar el éxito en la redacción de la carta:
- No olvides cuidar bien la ortografía.
- Relee la carta cuantas veces creas necesarios. Esto te ayudará a revisar y corregir todos los errores.
- Debe contener congruencia en la información y deja a un lado lo poco importante o relevante.
- Es importante que el texto no sea extenso, se debe incluir lo necesario, lo puntual.
- Evita repetir lo ya indicado, esta carta debe resaltar tus valores y los rasgos positivos a nivel profesional.
- Esta carta debe ser lo más honesta y transparente posible, todo para lograr y conseguir la confianza de los lectores.
Modelos de cartas: Presentación en ingles
Seguidamente encontrarás varios modelos de cartas de presentación en inglés. Presta atención a sus detalles y contenido:
Ejemplo 1
Date Company ( name and direction) Director of Human Resources. Please find enclosed a summary of my curriculum vitae, in the hope that my request will be considered as soon as possible. In case there is a vacancy. I dare to ask you this request, since I am qualified and have the necessary training to develop outstanding activities in your company. In addition, I have mastered and perfected my English, as well as different computer tools. I am fluent in English and I also have a wide knowledge of different computer programs. I am confident that I can perform at my best and integrate properly in the company. I am an enterprising person with a lot of spirit to move forward. I cordially greet you and am at your disposal to provide any information you may need. I remain at your disposal. Sincerely Name and signature.
Ejemplo 2
Date Dear Mr. (name) The purpose of the following letter is to express my deepest gratitude for the time and dedication you have given me. This is due to the interview I was given to apply for the vacancy in the company as a systems technician. It is a great opportunity that I would like to take on. I feel very attracted to be part of the professionals that make up such a prestigious company. Especially to occupy a position of very high responsibility, in terms of managing a series of very competitive projects and challenges. Once again, I remain at your service for further information. Sincerely yours, Name and signature (put your name)
Ejemplo 3
Date General Manager of the company. (name) Dear Mr. / Ms. I am writing to you very respectfully to inform you that I am very interested in the vacancy for the position of graphic designer. It is a position that I have been looking for for some time. Since I have prepared myself enough to face the different creativity challenges that are required. I am sure that I will be able to meet the expectations and needs of the company, as well as take on new challenges and business ventures. I have more than 5 ten years of experience in the sector and my profile shows that I can meet the requirements they demand. In addition to my training and experience as a journalist, I have completed a Master’s Degree in Communication and Advertising Management at (name of school). Without any doubt, my experience and willingness to undertake projects or plans. And my positive attitude towards any challenge. They are my endorsement letter and open recommendation to favor the company. I like to resolve and do my job well until I achieve excellent results. My experience and ability speak for my professionalism. In addition, all the teams I have worked with have felt motivated and willing to give their best. Without further ado, I hope that you will take my application into consideration and that we can formalize a personal interview. I leave my personal data for any information. Highly grateful for your attention, I send you a cordial greeting, (put your name)
Ejemplo 4
Date Company_____________________ (name).______________________ Although there is no vacancy for the position of physical therapist, for which I am opting. I would love to be taken into account for a possible selection in an upcoming process. It is actually a privilege to be part of the team of this prestigious company. To dedicate my effort and dedication in helping people in the geriatric area. I have enough preparation to do it very well and fill the vacant position of physiotherapist. I have been working in the area for more than five years. And three of them I have dedicated to caring for elderly people, who present some difficulty. To do this, I have various studies in Rehabilitation and physiotherapy in the geriatric area. Among which are: Diagnosis and therapeutic intervention at the Miguel de Cervantes University, Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy of Aging processes at the University of Val. I would love for them to reconsider the possibility of belonging to the company. I leave all the details of my professional profile in the attached resume. Sincerely, Name and signature Sincerely yours, hoping for a favorable response. (put your name)
Ejemplo 5
Date Name of the company Name of the person in charge of Human Resources. I am a registered nurse and I am sending you my application for the advertised position of nursing supervisor for your center. I have carried out and formalized my training at the University of Barcelona. And part of my professional experience, I have acquired it at the Barcelona Hospital. However, during two years in which I have not worked as a nurse, I have been expanding my knowledge in the city of London. On the other hand, my interest in having a broad knowledge has led me to study a specialization in Public Health at the University of Liverpool. In addition, I have stood out in various internships in healthcare centers in the country. The passion in the profession that I have chosen, has given me the opportunity to be very dedicated. Aspect that I consider relevant for your company. Therefore, I am waiting for a favorable response. I remain at your disposal. For any information, I leave my contact number and email. I send you my best regards. I remain at your disposal for any further information. (name and signature)
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